Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Medic For Hire

Multiple fractures on the fourth and fifth digits of the left foot and a laceration of the fifth digit approximately 2cms deep. Injury sustained while practicing TaeKwon Do. Patient does not speak local language and hopes that his toe doesn't fall off.
Diagnostic :

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

5.18 Citizen's Park

Gwangju's flagship landmark, the Citizens Democracy park commemorates the death of civilians dedicated to free Korea of tyrannical rule. On May 5th, 1981 more than 100 students and citizens of Gwangju were killed during protest of the, then, overbearing Korean government. The landmark cements the powerful ideals of the citizens of Gwangju and thus is revered as a sacred place.

Our visit however, was less than reverent.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanks to Chris and Amanda Dufour and Jenelle McKee we where able to have a thanksgiving dinner: Stuffing, mash potatoes, scallop potatoes, gravy, rolls, pork, and cider.

Food Expo

Jolene made a cake

Its really a cake

Flower Festival

Dam Yeong