After five and a half hours of hiking the seven mile trail to Dollar Lake in the San G. mountians, we finally arrived at our campsite. Loaded with heavy packs (we had to carry our own water), the trip had been slightly exhausting, especially for me since Jolene's back went out half way up and I had to carry it up to the campground. Josh, Michelle, Jolene and I wobble over to some fallen logs and let out a long exhail as our sore shoulders, knees and backs complained at us. I wipe the sweat from my soaking hair and I see Jenn with her pack still on looking unnessesarily perky. " I think I'm going to go back for Joey" she said with a smile. Joey started about three hours after us and while I was all for going to help Joey out I felt my aching muscles deserved just a bit of rest. "Ok, just give us a minute to rest and drink some water" I said, half panting for breath. Twenty minutes later, after Josh, I and the girls had unpacked , Jenn, I and Josh were preparing to get Joey, who in my mind was at least an hour down the trail. We emptied our packs and just as we were about to head back down the mountain, I look up and see the a goofy-looking Australian hat with Joey underneath chewing on a snack just as nonchalantly as if he'd just taken' a nap and was now ready to have some fun.
Well, needless to say the trip was a bit interesting from the late start and heavy packs, to the deers licking the dew off of our tents and Joey almost shooting a hole through his tent. Although we didn't make the top, like we planned, I had a great time just getting away from the work life and enjoyed spending time with our friends. Jolene's poor back was killing her on the way down, she almost didn't make it. But the Chiropractor on Monday straightened it out and she feels better now. Here are some pictures of our trip. Next stop Baja?
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